(Signalling Solution)
Centralized Traffic Control
- - This system monitors and controls overall train and passenger operations. LSIS provides various functions to satisfy requirements for successful railway business.
- · Train Operation Management
- · Operation Control, Route Control, Delayed Train Handling
- · Management of Information Broadcasting and Various Records, Etc.
- - Based on technological power built over 20 years since 1992, LSIS implements system to satisfy requirements of railway business. In line with the changing IT environment, the advanced system is continuously upgraded.
- · Automatic Train Control by Algorithm Optimized to Train Operation
- · Flexible Network and System Expandability
- · System Implementation to Satisfy the Standardized Technological Criteria
- · Intuitive and User-centric User Interface
- · Installation and Test Operation Abilities for Various Conditions, Such as Existing, New and Extension Facilities
- · Convenient Maintenance and Low Life-Cycle Cost

Automatic Train Control
Through the consortium project of KTX stage 1 and 2 train control system implementation between Seoul and Busan, LSIS controls the 350km/h level trains.
The highly reliable ground and train devices of LSIS are installed and operated in a number of subway routes.
LSIS is making continuous investment to R&D of signalling system in order to develop ATC system for the 400km/h level next-generation high-speed railway operation and CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) System for Metro/LRT.
With information obtained in the communication between train and track, train operation is automatically controlled by compositely considering signalling conditions, route status, track conditions and operation environments.
- - Calculating Safe Speed Profile and Transmitting It to Train
- - Controlling Train Speed According to Profile
- - Implementing Ground / Train Facilities and Configuring Data Transmission System
Train Device
- - Automatic Train Speed Control
- - Optimal Speed Display
- - Train Condition Monitoring
- - Self-diagnosis Function
Wayside Device
- - Obtaining Speed Information on a Real-time Basis
- - Delivering Speed Information to Train Device
- - Controlling Train Operation
- - Monitoring Field System Status

Electrical Interlocking System
This system interlocks and controls trackside equipments for railway operator to determine train operation route.
A variety of field facilities, such as railway signalling, track converter and railway crossing, are interlocked for control to ensure safety of train operation.
Computer Based Interlocking
- - Configured with duplex system of fail-safe H/W, computer-based interlocking administers interlocking logic.
- - Direct Field Control
- - Monitoring Field Facilities, Interface with Upper Layer System
- - Providing Information to LCC and MS
- - Executing Control Command from CTC or a Remote Location
- - Transmitting Block Section Information Between Stations
Local Control Console (LCC)
- - LCC controls field facilities by operator and displays status of field facilities.
- - Real-time Monitoring of Field Status by Communicating with CBI
- - Command to CBI to Configure the Required Route
- - Implementing Duplex System
Maintenance Console (MS)
- - MS provides field facility maintenance and status monitoring functions.
- - Field Status Monitoring
- - Editing DB Used by CBI and Creating List

Electrical Interlocking System
With information obtained through the analog AF track circuit installed along railroad track, position of train in front is calculated to enable safe operation.
Implemented in metropolitan subway, national railway and subway lines, this circuit transmits information to train. Linked to train devices, audio frequency track circuit controls train operation.
LSIS is in the process of developing safer and more reliable system by improving information reception and decoding with digital AF track circuit.

Centralized Traffic Control
- - This system monitors and controls overall train and passenger operations. LSIS provides various functions to satisfy requirements for successful railway business.
- · Train Operation Management
- · Operation Control, Route Control, Delayed Train Handling
- · Management of Information Broadcasting and Various Records, Etc.
- - Based on technological power built over 20 years since 1992, LSIS implements system to satisfy requirements of railway business. In line with the changing IT environment, the advanced system is continuously upgraded.
- · Automatic Train Control by Algorithm Optimized to Train Operation
- · Flexible Network and System Expandability
- · System Implementation to Satisfy the Standardized Technological Criteria
- · Intuitive and User-centric User Interface
- · Installation and Test Operation Abilities for Various Conditions, Such as Existing, New and Extension Facilities
- · Convenient Maintenance and Low Life-Cycle Cost

Automatic Train Control
Through the consortium project of KTX stage 1 and 2 train control system implementation between Seoul and Busan, LSIS controls the 350km/h level trains.
The highly reliable ground and train devices of LSIS are installed and operated in a number of subway routes.
LSIS is making continuous investment to R&D of signalling system in order to develop ATC system for the 400km/h level next-generation high-speed railway operation and CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) System for Metro/LRT.
With information obtained in the communication between train and track, train operation is automatically controlled by compositely considering signalling conditions, route status, track conditions and operation environments.
- - Calculating Safe Speed Profile and Transmitting It to Train
- - Controlling Train Speed According to Profile
- - Implementing Ground / Train Facilities and Configuring Data Transmission System
Train Device
- - Automatic Train Speed Control
- - Optimal Speed Display
- - Train Condition Monitoring
- - Self-diagnosis Function
Wayside Device
- - Obtaining Speed Information on a Real-time Basis
- - Delivering Speed Information to Train Device
- - Controlling Train Operation
- - Monitoring Field System Status

Electrical Interlocking System
This system interlocks and controls trackside equipments for railway operator to determine train operation route.
A variety of field facilities, such as railway signalling, track converter and railway crossing, are interlocked for control to ensure safety of train operation.
Computer Based Interlocking
- - Configured with duplex system of fail-safe H/W, computer-based interlocking administers interlocking logic.
- - Direct Field Control
- - Monitoring Field Facilities, Interface with Upper Layer System
- - Providing Information to LCC and MS
- - Executing Control Command from CTC or a Remote Location
- - Transmitting Block Section Information Between Stations
Local Control Console (LCC)
- - LCC controls field facilities by operator and displays status of field facilities.
- - Real-time Monitoring of Field Status by Communicating with CBI
- - Command to CBI to Configure the Required Route
- - Implementing Duplex System
Maintenance Console (MS)
- - MS provides field facility maintenance and status monitoring functions.
- - Field Status Monitoring
- - Editing DB Used by CBI and Creating List

Electrical Interlocking System
With information obtained through the analog AF track circuit installed along railroad track, position of train in front is calculated to enable safe operation.
Implemented in metropolitan subway, national railway and subway lines, this circuit transmits information to train. Linked to train devices, audio frequency track circuit controls train operation.
LSIS is in the process of developing safer and more reliable system by improving information reception and decoding with digital AF track circuit.